Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (2024)

Last Updated on March 2, 2024

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (1)

The great razor debate continues…….

Is using a safety razor better than shaving with cartridge razors?

As with all communities, there are always some staunch so-called experts to swear against something or other, and as strange as it seems, it goes on in the men’s grooming community as well, with shaving.

It’s only shaving, for god sake, but I do get some of the issues people have and voice (mostly voiced by safety razor sellers and their followers). And I get the protective attitude of traditional wet-shaving guys within the industry and dislike of the big companies like Gillette.

The bottom line in regards to shaving is what works best for the individual, their needs and preferences are what’s best. We’re all different and function better with different things.

I’m a big fan of both cartridges and safety razors for different reasons, and I would like to share the advantages and disadvantages of both of these magnificent hair-removing devices. I will also debunk some myths or at least reduce the opinions to closer to the truth.

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (2)

The Important Factors Considered

The costs initially and annually

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Do either have an advantage in preventing irritation, nicks or cuts, or razor bumps?

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Compare Costs – Which razors are more expensive?

One of the big advantages mentioned in the men’s grooming community a hell of a lot is how using a safety razor is much cheaper than using cartridges, especially after the initial purchase of a safety razor and its blades.

Is that true? Well, mostly yes and a little no, it depends!

Safety Razor – If you were to purchase a safety razor for around $40 and a pack of 100 (example – Astra or Derby brands) at around $10, the initial 12 months would cost only $50. And, then, each year, a pack of 100 blades ($10).

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (3)

Cartridge Razor – Let’s go with a Mach3, as three-bladed cartridges are pretty much the standard now, but keep in mind others cost a lot more than a Mach3. The initial handle with 2 blades costs $10, and a pack of 15 refills costs about $22.

Let’s say you get 3 weeks (this differs from person to person) out of each cartridge, so your 17 will last about a year which is an initial cost of $29. And, then each year, if buying a 15 pack and 4 pack (easiest way to work it out from what packs are available), the costs would be around $32 every year.

We can see that the initial costs of getting started with a safety razor are more for the first 12 months, and then it costs more annually for refilling cartridges.

There are variables to consider though………

Now, there are many variables here, including cheaper or more expensive blades and safety razors and using replacing cartridges more or less often. Some people will use a cartridge for a month or more which reduces costs, and some will go through them quicker.

Overall, using a safety razor can be cheaper in the long term, especially if your main concern is reducing costs, as you can buy a much cheaper razor than $40, and annually it’s very cheap.

However, this is a biggie for me, and I see it is for others too.

When getting into traditional shaving with a safety razor it is easy to spend a lot more, and this is because we generally start getting into using better shaving creams, prep oils, and upgrading the safety razor (up to and over $100), it kind of becomes a hobby. It could also take buying two or three safety razors before you get the right one, which ramps up your spending.

On the other hand, you can get pulled into buying the next Gillette or other cartridge razor and end up spending much more on the initial handle purchase and expensive refills.

The bottom line is you can save a lot of spare cash when using a safety razor wisely.

Shaving Test – Side by Side

I have tested, used, and reviewed a heck of a lot of safety and cartridge razors which should add some value based on my experience with how they shave.

I’ve done a side-by-side test for this article.

And, here was four days worth of growth.

Three days is usually long enough not to shave, but I thought I would give it four to do this test side by side. Dull blades would not be fun with this growth.

Safety Razor

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (4)

Cartridge Razor

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (5)
  • Ease of shaving – Mach3
  • Less pressure – Safety razor
  • Less passes and strokes – Slightly less with a safety razor.
  • Quickest – Mach3, by a long shot.
  • Smoothest – Both are the same, with good blades.
  • Tugging – Neither, but if the blades were dull, then both would have.
  • Razor burn – Neither, but if the blades were dull, then either may cause razor burn.
  • Nicks and cuts – On this occasion, neither. On other occasions, I can get nicks with safety razors and, less often, with cartridges.
  • Enjoyment (shaving can be enjoyable) – Safety razors
  • Learning curve – Safety razors take some practice to learn compared to cartridge razors which are very easy to use.

As you can see, there is not much between them; however, if your shaving allowance time is limited, then a cartridge razor wins hands down, and this is one of the reasons I rate them highly and still use them.

I personally use both, a safety razor when I have time, and a cartridge razor when I don’t or I am traveling, and if I shave my head, then I use the cartridge as it’s better and safer.

Safety razors seem to be more enjoyable; it feels like grooming, if that makes sense. I have to be very mindful of using them, which can be a good thing, but there is much more of a learning curve involved compared to the ease of cartridge shaving.

Ease of shaving……

It’s worth adding a few more words about the ease of shaving. The multi-blade cartridge razor is much easier to use for a couple of reasons, especially if you shave your head as well. They have a moveable head and the blade system seems to keep the smaller blades sat back if that makes sense.

There is a learning curve to get through when adjusting to safety razors some guys do struggle with.

Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (6)

Bottom LineBoth razor types shave just as well as each other. While a safety razor requires less pressure and strokes, the cartridge razor is quicker and easier to use, with less nicks/cuts.

Shaving Irritations

Some people have more sensitive skin than others. Shaving can cause various skin irritations for those with sensitive skin, which is quite common; however, it has helped many guys to reduce these problems when they have found the best razor suited for them (i.e., cartridge, safety or electric).

Personally, the only issue I have had is a razor burn on my neck. This is mainly caused by dull blades or clogged cartridge blades, and dull/blunt blades can occur with either razor type. I can also get razor burn from some overlly aggressive safety razors. Fortunately, I have never had any bumps, ingrown hairs, or any other irritation like others have.

Does using safety razors prevent shaving bumps and ingrown hairs?

Most people shouldn’t get shaving bumps (pseudofolliculitis barbae – wikipedia – ) caused by ingrown hairs. The people who do get them usually have curled hair, especially men of African or Indo-European descent. Many people in the men’s grooming forums state they no longer have issues with razor bumps, ingrown hairs, or razor burn since they switched over to using a safety razor, which is great to see that works for many.

However, if you do have these issues, then it’s worth looking at other potential causes rather than pinpointing the problem as caused solely by using cartridge razors unless you want to give switching razors a go first before checking other potential causes. Other causes include overused blades, clogged blades, insufficient lubrication (changing soap, foam, gel, etc.), shaving style (too rough or going against the grain, shaving too often, and others).

A good single-bladed safety razor does have the potential to eliminate or reduce shaving bump problems, as you should be able to reduce passes that can help. There is much more to it than just switching razors for many people who have this problem, which is for another article.

Some guys find irritation issues or reduce resolve once they get themselves a good electric shaver, so there is no one rule for all.

Bottom Line: Changing over from a multi blade cartridge razor to a safety razor does help many people overcome skin irritation issues; however, other potential causes should be checked out as well. Some guys get irritation from safety razors rather than cartridge razors –so there is not one size that fits all.

Enjoyment – Safety Razors Stand Out

I swear that most of those who swear by using the old traditional shaving method of lathering up and shaving with a safety razor do it for the enjoyment of good grooming, even myself.

It has become a kind of hobby!

Safety razors have made somewhat of a comeback in recent years, as many traditional things do, and it’s not all about saving time and ease. Sometimes treating oneself well comes first, and why not?

When you get into using safety razors, as I did, you might start to spend a fair few more pennies. I now look for and buy lots of various shaving creams, razors, and other products because it is very enjoyable.

You can, of course, get into trying out various shaving creams, pre-shave oils, and other products if you shave with multi-blade cartridges, but for me, that obsession kicked off once I bought a safety razor.

Bottom line: Once starting to shave with a safety razor, shaving may become more enjoyable and a kind of hobby. It can also dent the pocket slightly.

Safety Razors Might Not Be For You

Many people will advise you that you are not doing something right if you’re having problems with using a safety razor, as it does take time to get comfortable with them. You might be getting something wrong, but if it isn’t working and cartridge razors are working fine, stick with the cartridges.

For some guys, a cartridge razor is a blessing of ease, and as the saying goes, ‘horses for courses’, we are all different.

Disposing of Razors and the Environment

These days, many people are conscious about doing the best thing for our environment, and this is where safety razors shine, as no plastics are involved.

Mind you, safety razors are losing a little steam here as you can send all your used cartridges through companies like Gillette and their partnership with Terracycle.

There are ways to get your blades or cartridges disposed of properly and/or recycled; however, when using a safety razor, the materials used are reduced to a single blade (if splitting hairs – cartridges have more materials).

Bottom lineRazor blades was a clear winner here until disposable and recyclable options became available for cartridge and disposables. Both win here but safety razors still have the slight edge!

Wrapping it Up

I can see the benefits of both razor types and the disadvantages and have no plan to dump either of them or criticize one or the other. It’s much about preference unless one type causes problems!

Look into the facts and try not to be swayed by the safety razor online stores or their followers stating unproven statements.

Most of all try shaving tools out and see what works best for you and have a good pre-shave routine to prep that skin before any blade hits the skin.

  • Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (7)

    Jason Jones

    I'm the chief shaverer over here at ShavingAdvisor and when I am not shaving off any hair I have left, or writing about what I have shaved off - I do a load of other life stuff and enjoy a good cup of tea between doing stuff!


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Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? (2024)


Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor - Which Is Best For You? ›

However, it's actually safety razors that tend to produce less irritation because they provide a close shave with fewer passes over your skin. They are considered to be more efficient because they require fewer strokes than a multi-blade cartridge razor.

Is a safety razor better than a cartridge? ›

Cartridge razors are much more likely to yield razor bumps and razor burn. You deserve to have something more loving on your face. The DE safety razor just has just one blade exposed on two sides that can be alternated keeping a sharp edge with every pass with or against the grain and treating your skin better.

Is it better to shave with a safety razor? ›

A safety razor can significantly help reduce friction and irritation while shaving, which can often be painful. Unlike disposable razors, safety razors provide a premium shaving experience and since they're sharper than disposable plastic razors, there is far less chance of developing razor burn too!

Is it worth switching to a safety razor? ›

Switching to a safety razor is definitely worth considering if you're looking for a closer shave, reduced irritation, and long-term savings.

What type of razor gives the closest shave? ›

Safety razors and straight razors offer a far superior shave to disposable razors, they reduce irritation caused by an inefficient and ineffective dull razor blade and yield the closest shave. Double edge razor blades are only designed to last a few sessions depending on your hair growth and are cheap.

Which razor is safest? ›

  • Merkur 34C Heavy-duty Short-Handle Safety Razor. ...
  • Edwin Jagger Double Edge Safety Razor, Short Handle. ...
  • Merkur 38C Heavy-Duty Long Handle Safety Razor. ...
  • Merkur 23C Classic Long Handle Safety Razor. ...
  • Parker 96R Butterfly Safety Razor. ...
  • Weishi Long Handle Version Butterfly Open Double Edge Safety Razor.
Jul 10, 2024

Is a safety razor better for skin? ›

The design and mechanics of safety razors contribute to a shaving experience that is kinder to your skin. By reducing irritation, minimizing contact points, and allowing for a gentler, controlled shave, safety razors are a logical choice for individuals seeking a smoother and less abrasive grooming routine.

Can you go against the grain with a safety razor? ›

The weighted handle should be giving you all the force you need to shave clean and steady—no additional pressure is needed once that blade is on your face. You want to hold it roughly 30-45 degrees away from the skin. Track the direction your hair grows. You need to shave with this grain, not against it.

Is a safety razor as good as a straight razor? ›

Straight razor shaving, if measured by performance alone, is far superior to cartridges or a disposable cartridge razor, second to double-edge safety razors. The shave is closer, smoother, irritation-free, recession proof, and environmentally sustainable.

Can you shave everywhere with a safety razor? ›

Yes—but you definitely don't need to. I get asked this question a lot. People are nervous, understandably so, about shaving more delicate areas, but the fact of the matter is, shaving with a safety razor is very similar to shaving with a cartridge razor—our razor is made for all hair types, skin types, and bodies.

What are the cons of safety razors? ›

Increased risk of cuts: Although safety razors are designed to minimize the risk of cuts compared to straight razors, there is still a possibility of nicks or cuts, especially when you're still getting accustomed to using the razor.

Why do people still use safety razors? ›

A safety razor helps prevent razor burn

Shaving with a sharp clean double edge blade is much less likely to clog with beard hair, shave cream and bacteria — the ingredients of mild skin irritation and razor burn. Rinse the safety razor blade regularly during the shave to ensure a clean, smooth outcome.

Should I flip the blade in my safety razor? ›

Flip the razor over as it begins to clog, then rinse clean

That means less frequent rinsing under the tap while shaving, as you can simply flip the razor over and continue with a fresh blade.

What happened to Schick razors? ›

Patrick Frawley purchased controlling shares in Schick in 1955 and held onto the company until 1970, when the company became a division of Warner–Lambert. In February 2000, Pfizer bought Warner—Lambert along with all of its subsidiary companies. Schick was purchased by Energizer in 2003 from Pfizer.

Which type of razor is best? ›

Try a razor handle with Flexball technology, designed for great contact with your skin, especially in the contoured areas of the face. You can also use the latest Gillette SkinGuard Razor which not only minimizes the tug and pull but also cut hair at skin level and thus providing a very comfortable shave.

Is a safety razor better than a straight razor? ›

Compared to double-edge safety razors, you can get away with 4-5 shaves per blade at the cost of 25 cents per razor blade replacement or cartridge system. Over a lifetime, the only thing you need to do with a straight razor is hone and sharpen it professionally or at home, and that's a lifetime of cost shavings!

Does safety razor give the closest shave? ›

Safety razors don't just look sharp, though—they are *much* sharper than the single-edged blades used in cartridges. A safety razor shave gets very close to the skin.

Are safety razors better than modern razors? ›

However, it's actually safety razors that tend to produce less irritation because they provide a close shave with fewer passes over your skin. They are considered to be more efficient because they require fewer strokes than a multi-blade cartridge razor.

Are safety razor blades better? ›

Double-edge safety razors are often the better choice when it comes to getting a close shave. The single, sharp blade allows for a clean cut, leaving you with a smooth finish. With cartridge razors, you're more likely to experience irritation due to the number of blades placed closely together.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.