See also: MAME 2003-Plus Reference Collection (2018-12).
NOTE 1: Please use the BitTorrent protocol to download this collection whenever possible, and try to upload/seed an equal amount as you download.
NOTE 2: This collection was updated to 'v3' on February 4, 2018. The v3 collection uses the "Full Non-Merged" format rather than "Non-Merged ROMs" as in v1 and v2.
- Full Non-Merged MAME 0.78 ROM collection with CHDs and Samples
- MAME 0.78 DAT file for validation
- Original MAME 0.78 source package
This is a complete collection of ROMs, CHDs, and audio samples for MAME 0.78. XML DAT file and the version of ClrMamePro which was used to verify the ROMs, CHDs, and samples. The TorrentZip executable included with the collection was used to process each ROM and sample zip prior to distribution.
ROM Set Format: Full Non-Merged
Full Non-Merged ROM set zips include all the files needed to run that game, including any ROMs from 'parent' ROM sets and BIOS sets. Using Full Non-merged ROM sets means that every .zip in this collection is complete and can be used stand-alone in MAME 0.78 and emulators derived from the MAME 0.78 codebase.
Validating Full Non-Merged Sets
To configure ClrMamePro to validate or rebuild a Full Non-Merged collection, disable Split BIOSes from the "Advanced" menu in both ClrMamePro's Rebuild and Scanner menus.
Arcade ROM Reference Sets:
- MAME 2000 Reference(Complete MAME 0.37b5)
- MAME 2003 Reference(Complete MAME 0.78)
- MAME 2003-Plus Reference
- AdvanceMAME 2006 Reference(Complete MAME 0.106)
- MAME 2010 Reference(Complete MAME 0.139)
- FB Alpha 2016 Reference(Complete FB Alpha v0.2.97.39)
The cover image for this collection is based on an image by Sam Howzit, licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons License. Original image and license:
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ReviewsReviewer: Amiga64 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 15, 2024
Subject: Av2 mahjong chd
CHD for please !!! Thanks.
Reviewer: TeamRadish - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 3, 2022
Subject: Incredibly Useful For Earler Gen MAME Setups
THANK YOU for maintaining and uploading this earlier generation MAME set!
So many of us run older MAME installs on a cabinet we built years ago and require a single file here and there that has changed in the bleeding edge releases.
If you're a newbie to MAME, you probably want to get a more current set, as there was a change somewhere around 0.103 that changed many of the parent ROM relations.
If you're running a 0.8X-0.5X (I ran DMAME 0.56 on a driving cabinet for years) install, this is exactly what you need.
Thank you again!
Reviewer: romman1 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - May 28, 2022
Subject: UPDATE 2022-MAY (0.243): Full 585.25GB CHDs + 70.21GB ROMs + 64.31GB EXTRAs + Quick How to Guide
UPDATE 2022-05-25 (MAME 0.244):
Full 585.25GB CHDs + 70.23GB ROMs + 64.31GB EXTRAs + Quick How to Guide
There are too many outdated torrents and information, and the CHDs torrent generated by has garbage padding files and only has files up to 0-9A-C.
I am tired of it and I know you are too, so here are the latest.
What's new in 0.244:
LATEST TORRENTS (Torrents updated 2022-05-25):
Magnet links:
CHDs 0.243 Full (no changes in 0.244) (Merged, 585.25GB torrent, 100+ seeds):
ROMs 0.244 Full (Merged, 70.23GB torrent, 100+ seeds):
ROMs 0.243 to 0.244 Update (Merged, 7.9MB torrent):
EXTRAs 0.242 (artwork/cheats/snap/titles/manuals/etc, 64.31GB torrent, 50+ seeds):
.torrent files:
CHDs 0.243 Full (no changes in 0.244) (Merged, 585.25GB torrent, 100+ seeds):
ROMs 0.244 Full (Merged, 70.23GB torrent, 100+ seeds):
ROMs 0.243 to 0.244 Update (Merged, 7.9MB torrent, 100+ seeds):
EXTRAs 0.242 Full (artwork/cheats/snap/titles/manuals/etc) (64.31GB torrent, 50+ seeds):
Individual files download (ROMs + CHDs + EXTRAs):
Tracker with the most seeds (100+):
QUICK HOW TO GUIDE (Guide updated 2022-05-27):
STEP 1 - Basics
1) Download and install MAME ( )
2) Know that:
a) MAME considers CHD files as ROM files, CHDs are just bigger ROMs
b) MAME doesn't care where you put the CHDs or ROMs as long as all ROMs/CHDs directories are added to the rom path configuration.
c) That means you can add the torrent directories to MAME, and update MAME's database while ROMs/CHDs are being downloaded one by one, you can also pick which ROMs to download first, read how to do this below.
STEP 2 - Download the ROMs and CHDs
1) Install and run qBittorrent ( )
2) In qBittorrent, click [open url] or [add magnet link], a box will pop up.
3) Paste into the box the two magnet links from above, one line per link ( magnet:?xt=urn:btih:xxxxxxxxxxxxx... )
4) Click [Download] or [OK] to close the box.
5) You should now see in the qBittorent [Transfers] tab there are two torrents being added, [MAME 0.2xx ROMs (merged)] and [MAME 0.2xx CHDs (merged)].
6) If you have waited for a minute and the torrents are not downloading, manually add a torrent tracker to each torrent, so that qBittorrent knows what peers/seeds to download from, do this by:
a) From qBittorrent [Transfers] tab, select one of the torent ([MAME 0.2xx ROMs (merged)] or [MAME 0.2xx CHDs (merged)])
b) Click the [Trackers] tab (between [General] and [Peers])
c) Right click anywhere in the tracker list for a pop-up menu
d) Click [Add a new tracker...], a box [List of trackers to add] will pop up.
e) Paste the following tracker URL into the box and press [OK]:
f) You should now see [] in the tracker list, watch the [Peers] and [Seeds] column, there should be more than 100.
g) Do this once for the ROMs torrent and once for the CHDs torrent.
7) Continue to the next step while the torrents are downloading.
STEP 3 - Find out where the ROMs/CHDs .zip files are downloaded to
There are 2 paths: The ROMs (70+GB) and The CHDs (500+GB). Do these steps to find both:
1) In qBittorrent: In the [Transfers] tab, right click the torrent name [MAME 0.2xx ROMs (merged)] or [MAME 0.2xx CHDs (merged)], you should see a small pop-up menu.
2) Left click [Open destination folder], a file manager should pop up.
3) In the file manager, look at the directory location ('directory' is also called 'folder' in windows).
4) Do it once for the ROMs and once for the CHDs, remember these 2 directories for the next step.
STEP 4 - Add BOTH ROMs and CHDs directories to MAME
Set MAME's ROMs directory to the two directories qBittorrent is downloading to:
1) Go to MAME's main screen (restart MAME if not sure)
2) Double click [Configure Options]
3) Double click [Configure Directories]
4) Double click [ROMs]
5) Double click [Add Folder]
6) Browse the directory tree using the [UP/DOWN/ENTER] key to select the correct directory (remembered from previous step).
7) Once you have found the final correct directory, just highlighting it is not enough, you must press [Enter] to enter it first, otherwise you'll just set the parent directory instead.
8) Once INSIDE the correct directory, press the [TAB] key on your keyboard to set the directory in MAME.
9) Double click [Return to Previous Menu]
10) Double click [Save Configuration]
11) Do this once for the ROMs directory and once for the CHDs directory. You need to add both directories for all ROMs to work.
12) If you are also downloading the partial update torrents (e.g. MAME - Update ROMs v0.2xx to v0.2xx), then you also need to add the update torrent's download directory by repeating step 1 to 10.
STEP 5 - Decide on what ROMs to download and how often do you run audits in MAME
Now that the ROMs/CHDs are downloading and the correct MAME directories are configured, you want to audit the download directories in MAME so that it will find all the newly downlodaded ROMs/CHDs .zip files.
During the audit, MAME will find the newly downloaded ROMs/CHDs .zip files and update MAME's internal database, newly downloaded ROMs/CHDs will show up in the [Available] section in MAME.
Depending on your goal and available time/bandwidth, you have 3 options:
1) Slow + Complete:
Wait for all ROMs/CHDs to be downloaded and update MAME database once (this takes much longer to see the ROMs from MAME because the file pieces are downloaded randomly across all files); or
2) Quick:
You only select a few favorite ROMs/CHDs to be downloaded, then update MAME database. You do this by going to qBittorrent, in [Transfers] tab left click a torrent (ROMs or CHDs), click the [Content] Tab, Tick/Untick ROMs/CHDs to download/not download (e.g. only tick, everything else unticked); or
3) Quick + Complete (Recommended):
You select all ROMs/CHDs to be downloaded, but you also enable 'Download in sequential order', so that all ROMs/CHDs will be downloaded one by one. Set your favorite ROMs/CHDs .zip to 'Maximum' priority so your favorite ROMs/CHDs will be downloaded first. Update MAME database once in a while after a new bunch of ROMs/CHDs are downloaded. You get the best of both worlds. Do this by:
a) Configure qBittorrent to download .zip files one by one:
In qBittorrent [Transfers] tab, right click a torrent, then select [torrent options...], then tick [Download in sequential order] and click [OK]. Do this once for the ROMs torrent and once for the CHDs torrent.
b) Configure qBittorrent to download your favorite ROMs first:
In qBittorrent [Transfers] tab, left click a torrent (ROMs or CHDs), click the [Content] tab, find your favorite ROM/CHD file (e.g. and click on [Normal] in the Download Priority column, it'll pop up a selection of [Do not download/Normal/High/Maximum], select [Maximum]. Do this to EACH ROM/CHD .zip file you want to complete download first. (e.g. is on 'Maximum' priority while everything else is on 'Normal' priority)
This combination downloads ALL ROMs/CHDs sequentially one by one, and lets you to play your favorite ROMs first while the rest are downloading.
Each time one or a bunch of the ROM/CHD .zip reaches 100% download, you can goto MAME and audit the download directories, it'll add the new ROMs to the [Availabe] section, which brings us to the next step (audit ROMs/CHDs directories).
STEP 6 - Audit the ROMs/CHDs directories and update the MAME database
1) (In MAME window) Click the magnifying glass and select [Audit media for all XXXXX machines]
2) Wait for MAME to audit all ROMs and CHDs directories
3) The newly downloaded ROMs/CHDs will now show up in the [Available] section.
4) For subsequent audits, select [Audit media for X machines marked unavailable] instead in step 1, this skips the known completed ROMs and reduces audit time.
STEP 7 (optional) - Install MAME Extras
You can add extras such as in-game/title screenshots (snap/titles), cheats, etc to your MAME installation, you have two options:
1) The hard way:
This method is too complex and time consuming for the average MAME user, and is only recommended for those determined to chase after the absolute latest, for everyone else, wait a while for the new version of EXTRAs torrent to be released (see 'The easy way' below).
Download and install each extras component manually and set up your own perfect MAME, e.g. visit and download [Snap > Full-Set 0.240 (] and [Titles > Full-Set 0.240 (] and the smaller 0.24x update packages. Decompress the snap zip, find the directory with 40000 .png files, move all the .png to MAME's [snap] directory. Decompress the titles zip, find the directory with 40000 .png files, move all the .png to MAME's [titles] directory. snap and title .png files have the exact same filename, don't mix them up. Get the from ( ), decompress it to MAME's cheat directory. You can also manually download and install the latest cabinet/flyers/manuals/etc.
2) The easy way (Recommended):
Get all the cabinet/cheats/manuals/snap/titles etc from a single [MAME Extras] torrent, it is not updated as regularly as MAME binary/ROMs/CHDs, but this way will save you a lot of work.
It doesn't matter if the MAME Extras are a few versions behind, the differences are minimal, you just see blank title/snap images on the newest ROMs, the rest works just fine. To add extras to your MAME, do this:
a) Download the [EXTRAs Full] torrent listed above, or
b) Copy the [EXTRAs Full] magnet link above (magnet:?xt=urn...)
c) In qBittorrent's window: If you downloaded the .torrent file, click [Open] and select the .torrent file then click [OK], if you copied the magnet link, click [Open URL], paste the link into the box then click [OK].
d) Set, and to [Maximum] priority in the [Content] tab if you want them to complete first.
e) Decompress the etc to MAME's root directory, it'll create the correct sub directories.
f) Restart MAME and check the result. If you don't see the cheat/title/snaps, double check that the decompressed directories and MAME directories configuration are the same, often the extra sub directories from the .zip aren't needed, so you move the files one parent directory above (\snap\snap to just \snap, \cheat\cheatxxxx to just \cheat).
g) To enable cheats:
i) (In MAME's main window) Click [Configure Options]
ii) Click [Miscellaneous Options]
iii) Set [Cheats] to [On]
iv) Click [Return to Previous Menu]
v) Click [Save Configuration]
vi) From now on when you are playing a ROM, press the [TAB] key and you should see [Cheat] in the menu.
STEP 8 - Play and enjoy
That's it, play your favorite ROMs and enjoy.
Credits to pleasuredome for the magnet links, it also has a lot of other MAME data sets:
Guide by Rompacker:
Reviewer: bad96iq - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - February 21, 2022
Subject: thanks for the hard work
great Romset
Reviewer: Filmy Cafe - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 29, 2021
Subject: Amazing
Want to download Roms for free checkout -
Reviewer: Emmata - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 27, 2021
Subject: Cool
If you are having trouble downloading this rom set, make sure you check
Reviewer: TommyGamer - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 21, 2021
Subject: Good
Complete collection of of MAME ROM's where you can download any games separately is available at ROM Packs here :
Just my two cents.
Reviewer: AlbertMoliko - - December 5, 2020
Subject: Hello
can you help me how to proceed because download i this mame
what should he do? how to act?
Reviewer: sirchuck88 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 3, 2020
Subject: arcade down load length
just out of curiosity how long is the down load for this rom set cus this is a good rom set ,
Reviewer: labeebdagher - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 12, 2020
Subject: CHD-bestand
Ik heb problemen met het openen van het CHD-bestand. Volgens deze website heb ik MacMAME geprobeerd om het te openen, maar ik ontvang constant fouten.
Reviewer: KamiShisus - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - September 14, 2020
Subject: curiosidad
incluye el juego darkstalkers
Reviewer: DJPlace - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - May 18, 2020
Subject: neogeo bios?
are there in this set i can't find it in the rom folder?
Reviewer: fyw321 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 16, 2020
Subject: bless you
thanks for sharing
Reviewer: Thornn18 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 2, 2019
Subject: chd
Any reason why i get a black screen when running the roms that require chds everything else is running great
Reviewer: zimayeen - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - May 12, 2019
Subject: Awesome!
Excellent source for non-merged ROMs, thank you so much! Be sure to exclude the padding folder when you download the files.
Reviewer: sjogro - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - February 19, 2019
Subject: The set I need
Stoked to hook this up to RetroArch! Which has a functional MAME 2003 core. This set should be compatible, can't wait to try.
Reviewer: Buru11 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 24, 2018
Subject: MAME ROMs
The full collection of MAME ROM's for single downloads is available at
If you don't want to fill your hard-disk with ROM you will never play you can download your favorite games from Gamulator.
Reviewer: Anonymous - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 15, 2018
Subject: It does have the CHDs
The CHDs are inside the roms folder, like they should be.
Reviewer: Failrunner - favoritefavoritefavorite - October 11, 2018
Subject: No chd files at all
Also this is missing some roms. No Sengoku 3. Like I said I don't see any chd files at all. I also cannot find the chd files anywhere. Thanks Nintendo. Your online service is horrible.
Reviewer: Simón Gallardo Fernández - favoritefavorite - July 8, 2018
Subject: sh*t
¿Where is the f*cking button to download?
Reviewer: yrmishu - favoritefavoritefavorite - April 23, 2018
Subject: Good but incomplete
It's not as perfect as I expected.
Set of 0.78 MAME version, which is too old. Why not the latest MAME at least 1.60+ ? What is meant if I download the entire file then they suggest me to check through clrmamepro? If an instruction on 'how to update those roms to a newer version with clrmamepro' then this pack would be one of the best. Anyways, it must be admired, huge efforts were contributed to making this pack. I appreciate the maker/uploader.
Reviewer: Antonio1000 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - April 11, 2018
Subject: MAME 2003 Reference Set
thank you.
Reviewer: Laul1375 - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - March 11, 2018
Subject: information request
hello or could I find the match between the identification of download games and their real name?
I had fallen on it, but no way to get my hands on it ...
Thank you.
Reviewer: HACKER3337 - favoritefavorite - February 19, 2018
Subject: la carpeta .padding_file? (15GB ...)
para que sirve???? puedo eliminarla???
para descargar solo los roms??? porfavor responder
en la carpeta de roms...tambien esta los chd???
Reviewer: Elauka - - January 25, 2018
Subject: Padding file
Can we remove .padding_file folder ? (15GB...)
With this dat :
I have some error, are you sure it's the good set ?
Reviewer: Teathief - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 8, 2017
Subject: This is a great set but 50% of it is a BitComet style padding file.
One thing to check on this is that 15GBs of it is a BitComet style padding file.
Definitely something to uncheck and select do not download on.
Someone reviewed that it uses the older CHDs (version 3) instead of the (version 5) that would have been current to this set, and I'm definitely neurotic enough to have to go hunt them down.
Not using Windows I wanted to avoid having to use CrlMamePro... =/
Irregardeless this set saves me a ton of time and effort, and its a awesome upload.
Reviewer: Vita.Pinha - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 27, 2017
Subject: How do I put this in retropie
I'm newbie to this, but can anyone help me how to put this collection on my retropie?
I do know how to put the ROMS in the "arcade" folder, but what about the rest? And where do I put the emulator mame2003 since I don´t have it in my retropie system.
Reviewer: hikaricore - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 1, 2017
Subject: Great set.
Overall this is a great and nearly complete set. The only minor issue is that most of the CHDs are the wrong version, many of them version 3 instead of version 5. Any of these games that work will still work even with the wrong version of the CHD, but for any perfect collectors out there, you'll need to grab some additional files for this to be 100%.
Reviewer: hyru - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 13, 2017
Subject: set perfecto para mame2003 raspberry
he probado un montón de roms de aqui,y todas me han ido perfectas en la raspberry con el emulador lr-mame2003.
las roms que aqui no están, pues las he cogido de otro set de esta misma página,y cambiado al emulador correspondiente.
encima puedo descargarlas una a una, esto es un tesoro de web
Reviewer: impydave - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 2, 2017
Subject: Perfect for Retropie
Found this set having had a few roms not working on my Mame2003 retropie version. Replaced a couple off here and they worked, so then promptly replaced my retropie set with the full set here.
Perfect, many thanks
Reviewer: Williquah - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - March 28, 2017
Subject: Superb Collection!
Superb collection, super detailed and neat, thank you for these sets!