Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (2024)

Part 8: Day 4 - Story

Day 4: Story

Music: story 2
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (1)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (2) If not, this recent news will likely change your mind. After your arrival, the rate of energy output has increased by 13%. If you still don’t feel the significance of this figure, then let me add that it’s a record breaking percentage.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (3)

>I can take pride in that.
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (4)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (5) This means you are performing your role well. This shows that there should only be good news to come. A machine such as myself doesn’t flatter easily.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (6)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (7) I remember your face the very first time you came here. You were so withdrawn… Face all gray and grim. And you were all nervous about my presence. Don’t worry, it’s okay for you to be happy now.

Ahh heck, she knows we're expecting her to try to kill us.


>I'm not sure…
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (8)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (9) Is it not normal to be happy in a situation like this? For your information, I had practically run here. All just to deliver this great news to you. That’s a figure of speech of course, but I did not expect you to react like this.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (10)


Routes Merge Here
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (11)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (12) Do you see that bottle of champagne on the table? Allow me to pour you a glass. Shall we toast? Ah, today’s occasion is not something as monumental as someone’s birthday, or the company’s day of founding.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (13)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (14) I'm sorry, what.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (15) It is just as it sounds. An employee has died in the line of duty.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (16) When did this happen?! Everyone's still alive!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (17)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (18) During maintenance, a wrench was dropped onto this clerk, designated Delta3. She did not survive the impact.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (19) Man… she was the one who brought the good coffee.

This entire conversation shows up regardless of if someone has actually died or not. Don't worry, we haven't actually lost anyone important yet. Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (20)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (21)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (22) They had known the risks from the beginning. The company grows, fertilized by their sacrifices. It’s as simple as that. I am sure they would have felt proud of themselves as they took their final breath. Accepting their deaths with equanimity would be the greatest respect you can pay to them. That is why I popped this bottle of champagne I’ve kept for so long.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (23)

>I'll drink the champagne.
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (24)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (25) To properly drink a glass of champagne, one should gently hold the lower stem of the glass, and then take it in lightly, savoring the bubbles. Perfect, just like that.


>I don't want to drink right now.
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (26)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (27) That’s fine, there will be many more occasions on which to toast. However, manager, please refrain from drinking alone when I’m not around. A toast is only worthy when there’s a companion around to clink glasses together.


Routes Merge Here

In summary: Apparently we are very good at our job, because efficiency is up! However, someone died yesterday and the corporate culture is such that we just drink to their memory without enacting any safety protocols. Angela's memory apparently has room for proper drinking etiquette, but not for the definition of spirit.

Goodbye, Delta3. You were always my favorite clerk. Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (28)

Moving on to Malkuth's next scene, and I suspect that the game didn't expect us to clear her mission quite this soon.

Music: Danger
Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (29)

This is Yesod! He's the head of the Information team. We'll be meeting him properly around day 6.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (30) Trust me, I am the head of the Information Team. Even if your team were to suppress the Ordeals on their own, there’s too great a risk of extreme mental damage to your employees.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (31)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (32)

And this is Hod! She's the head of the Training team. We'll be meeting her on day 11.

See what I mean about this scene probably being intended to come later? I don't think they expected me to just grind out 8 meltdown works on day 3.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (33) I am the Sephirah of the Control Team. I may make outrageous mistakes in all other aspects, but this role I know better than anyone else. I know how to handle employees on the verge of insanity. I even wrote down a code of conduct for it.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (34)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (35) Please tell me if you happen to need it. I can always share a copy with you.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (36) I— I’m fine, but that code of yours…

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (37)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (38) Weakness means elimination, the death of your place in my department. To work for the Control Team, the department that leads the corporation, signifies that you should be more capable than everyone else. Manager, please say something to them. You’ve been watching what’s happened to those weak-willed employees from the comfort of your office, haven’t you?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (39)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (40) *hits the mute button* Yeah, I've been here three days, I'm not touching this one.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (41)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (42)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (43) We should meet up again sometime, all of us Upper Sephirot!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (44)

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (45) The mental corruption levels of the Control Team’s employees exceeded the maximum threshold. And just what did the other Sephirot do in the meantime? Sit and watch? The Control Team has failed to handle the Ordeals. Supplement the staff immediately and suppress the Ordeals. I will ask for support from the other departments.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (46) Angela… we don't have any other departments, and the agents are just fine.

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (47) Then this will have to wait until we can. I believe four more departments' worth should suffice. As to the agents… I included Malkuth herself in the employee mental corruption level calculations. Does this clarify?

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (48) ...Ah. Carry on.

In summary: Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (49) H'okay, a lot to unpack here. Malkuth is really big on just disposing of Agents who don't meet standards, so much so that it unsettles her fellow Sephirot. She's also acting like a patronizing jerk. There's stuff about Ordeals here, too, which ties into our new mission! I lost the original screenshot along with the day 3 gameplay footage, but I pulled all the text from the files directly, so here it is:

When Dusk Falls posted:

As the Qliphoth Deterrence weakens, the Abnormalities will begin to grow agitated; certain things we call Ordeals which we cannot contain will go into a rampage, just as they are right now. Could you calm down the employees by suppressing one of the Ordeals that show up at dusk? I’ll help you with it as soon as I can.
Complete a Dusk Ordeal

Now, Ordeals are that thing Malkuth was talking about earlier, the strange beings that come into existence in the hallways every now and again. They show up as you go through the day, and their power levels vary based on the time of day associated with the Ordeal. In order, they are Dawn>Noon>Dusk>Midnight.

Dusk Ordeals do not appear until at least day 21, so it'll be a while before we can get back to this mission. That means we're free to do whatever we want for the next couple of days!

Next time, on Lobotomy Corporation: Mirrors! New titles! I finally explain what 'PE' box stands for!

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (50)
R.I.P, Delta3
Day 1-Day 3
Clerk, background character, coffee-maker
"She totally appeared on screen one time."

Lobotomy Corporation Part #8 - Day 4 (2024)


How long does it take to finish lobotomy corp? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Lobotomy Corporation is about 54 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 125 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many days are there in the Lobotomy Corporation? ›

Lobotomy Corporation takes place over fifty in-game days, with the overall goal being to fully expand Facility X-394. The facility consists of ten departments, each corresponding to the Sephirot in an inverted representation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and led by an AI named after the corresponding Sephirah.

How to get all endings in Lobotomi Corporation? ›

Multiple Endings:
  1. Ending A: Fail to suppress all of the Asiyah Sephirot. ...
  2. Ending B: Fail to suppress all of the Briah Sephirot. ...
  3. Ending C: Fail to suppress all of the Atziluth Sephirot. ...
  4. True Ending: Complete Day 50 synchronized with every Sephirah.

How many abnormalities does Lobotomi Corporation have? ›

There are 95 known possessed abnormalities in the game Lobotomy Corporation, with more on the roaming as per seen in other Project Moon worlds like Library of Ruina, Distortion Detective and Limbus Company. Each abnormality can be separated into 5 different danger levels, being ZAYIN, TETH, HE, WAW, and ALEPH.

What happened to Ayin after lobotomy corp? ›

In the end, Ayin is left alone. All those colleagues who supported him were gone and he was going crazy. Carmen's expectations, unfinished research, and the death of colleagues ruined him. He attempts to commit suicide, but he is stopped.

How long is a lobotomy? ›

While the prefrontal lobotomy took over an hour, Freeman's transorbital lobotomy could be done in 10 minutes or less.

Who was the youngest person to survive a lobotomy? ›

Howard Dully (born November 30, 1948) is an American memoirist who is one of the youngest survivors of the transorbital lobotomy, a procedure performed on him when he was 12 years old.

Who was the guy who survived lobotomy? ›

Howard Dully is the first patient ever to obtain a picture of his own operation. Dully's personal journey to find out about his lobotomy took him around the country as he interviewed lobotomy patients, their family members, and people who witnessed the operation. “This is my odyssey,” said Dully.

What year was the lobotomy banned? ›

The last recorded lobotomy in the United States was performed by Dr. Walter Freeman in 1967 and ended in the death of the person on whom it was performed. In Europe, the Soviet Union banned lobotomies in 1950 , a year after inventor Dr. Egas Moniz won the Nobel Prize for medicine.

How to get liberator of rubicon? ›

In Chapter 5, you will be offered two missions that have a major impact on the path you take. For the "Liberator of Rubicon" ending, you will need to not only accept the "Eliminate 'Cinder' Carla" and its resulting missions, but defeat Handler Walter.

How to get fires of raven ending? ›

The Fires of Raven is one of two endings initially available during the campaign's first playthrough. It is unlocked by choosing to complete the "Intercept the Corporate Forces" mission in Chapter 5, which leads into the missions "Breach the Kármán Line", and finally "Shut Down the Closure Satellites."

How do you unlock Maria ending? ›

Maria - Take the Maria-related requirements of 'Leave' - do the exact opposite. Make sure she receives little to no damage, take your time going to the Hospital, revisit her in M3. Run through the hallway at the end.

Is Library of Ruina connected to Lobotomi Corporation? ›

Library of Ruina is an indie deck-building turn-based role-playing game developed and published by South Korean studio Project Moon. Initially released for Windows and Xbox One on August 10, 2021, it is a direct sequel to the 2018 PC game Lobotomy Corporation.

Is Limbus Company related to Lobotomi Corporation? ›

Limbus Company (Hangul: 림버스 컴퍼니, Rimbeoseu keompeoni), is an enigmatic company operating in the City, capitalizing on the fall of Lobotomy Corporation.

What is enkephalin in Lobotomy Corporation? ›

Lobotomy Corporation had the unique ability to produce "Enkephalin" (엔케팔린, Enkepallin), a substance extracted from Abnormalities by isolating them into containment units and providing stimulation through interactions such as play, conversation, or violence. The substance usually appears as a green liquid kept in.

What is the daily cycle in Lobotomy Corporation? ›

The Daily Cycle contain 3 'Phases', in the order of: 'Story', where the player will have a conversation with Angela and progress with the storyline of the game; 'Deployment', where the player can assign agents to the available departments and slots, hire employees, and do research, and 'Management', where the player ...

Is Lobotomi Corp a roguelike? ›

"The Information Team has been lacking here." Lobotomy Corporation (Korean: 로보토미 코퍼레이션) is a roguelite monster-management simulator released on Steam Early Access in December 2016, leaving early access for an official release in April 2018.

What is the budget for Lobotomy Corporation? ›

Trivia. No Budget: The game was a project made by ~15 people with crowdfunded money.

How many employees does Project Moon have? ›

It was founded on November 18th, 2016, during Kim Ji-hoon's 4th year in University. The company originally only started with 7 employees, and has since expanded to 45 employees in the game studio and 7 employees at their restaurant HamHamPangPang.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.