Huntington Bank Review (2025)

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Regional bank with good basic accounts and excellent customer service


Emily Guy Birken

Huntington Bank Review (1)

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Emily is a Plutus award-winning freelance writer on personal finance, retirement, behavioral economics, and Social Security.

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Updated June 05, 2024

Reviewed by

Khadija Khartit

Huntington Bank Review (2)

Reviewed byKhadija Khartit

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Khadija Khartit is a strategy, investment, and funding expert, and an educator of fintech and strategic finance in top universities. She has been an investor, entrepreneur, and advisor for more than 25 years. She is a FINRA Series 7, 63, and 66 license holder.

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Michael Logan

Huntington Bank Review (3)

Fact checked byMichael Logan

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Michael Logan is an experienced writer, producer, and editorial leader. As a journalist, he has extensively covered business and tech news in the U.S. and Asia. He has produced multimedia content that has garnered billions of views worldwide.

Huntington Bank Review (4)

Founded in 1866, and still headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Huntington is a regional bank serving 11 states located primarily in the Midwest. A full-service bank, it offers consumers a one-stop shopping for banking needs. Read our in-depth review to determine if Huntington's products and services are right for you.

  • Pros & Cons
  • Company Overview

Pros & Cons


  • Basic checking account is fee free

  • All day deposit

  • 24-hour grace period on overdrafts

  • Robust customer support


  • Only available in 11 states

  • Low APY

  • High minimum balances on interest-bearing checking accounts

  • High overdraft fees

Company Overview

  • Year Founded1866
  • Official
  • Banking Products OfferedSavings, checking, CDs, MMA, credit card
  • Customer ServicePhone line: Monday–Sunday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (ET): 800-480-2265

Table of Contents

Huntington Bank Review

  • Pros Explained

  • Cons Explained

  • Best for

  • Bank Offerings

  • Other Products

  • Customer Service

  • How to Bank

  • Final Verdict

  • Methodology

Pros Explained

  • Basic checking account is fee-free: The basic checking account, Asterisk-Free Checking, has no monthly fee, no minimum balance, and no minimum deposit to open the account. There is also no fee for receiving paper statements via mail if you prefer that to emailed statements.
  • All-day deposit: This feature extends the cut off for getting in a deposit on a business day to midnight. If you make an ATM or mobile bank deposit on a business day prior to midnight, then Huntington will consider that day to be the day of your deposit.
  • 24-hour grace period on overdrafts: If you overdraw your account, a 24-hour grace policy gives you until midnight on the next day to make a deposit or transfer to cover the overdraft.
  • Robust customer support: Customers can reach a customer service agent via phone daily from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET). You can also access an automated assistant any time on the website and find answers to your questions in the easy-to-navigate and thorough FAQ for customer support. The bank also encourages customers to contact customer service via Facebook or X (formerly Twitter).

Cons Explained

  • Only available in 11 states: Huntington currently has a presence in just 11 states: Ohio, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
  • Low annual percentage yield (APY): Huntington's rates for interest-bearing accounts are easily beaten by other banks, especially online-only banks that do not have to invest in brick-and-mortar branches.
  • High minimum balances on interest-bearing checking accounts: Though the basic checking account doesn't charge fees or require a minimum balance, interest-bearing accounts require either a $5,000 minimum balance or a $25,000 minimum balance across all accounts to remain fee free.
  • High overdraft fee totals: Though Huntington offers methods to avoid overdraft fees, the fee itself is $15 per overdraft and can be incurred up to three times daily.

For accounts or products that have area-specific interest rates, customers who live outside of the 11-state region will receive the rate associated with Columbus, Ohio, where Huntington is headquartered.

Who Is Huntington Best for?

Huntington Bank will appeal to customers looking for basic checking and savings accounts. It will be especially tempting to those who:

  • Live within Huntington's 11-state geographic footprint
  • Want multiple options to avoid overdraft fees
  • Need a truly free checking account
  • Would like to have their checking and savings under one roof

What Does Huntington Offer?

Huntington offers a robust menu of products and services including:

  • Savings accounts
  • Checking accounts
  • Money market account
  • Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
  • Credit card

Savings Accounts

Huntington Premier Savings

This is the basic savings account for Huntington customers. Premier Savings is free of fees for customers who have a linked Asterisk-Free Checking or any other personal checking account, or who maintain an average daily balance of $300 or more. Otherwise, the monthly maintenance fee is $4. You can open an account with a minimum deposit of $50. Premier Savings offers savers an APY of 0.01% and only requires a balance of $0.01 to earn.

Deposit-to-deposit overdraft protection is provided if you have a linked checking account. If you overdraw, Huntington will automatically transfer money in increments of $100 to cover the overdraft from your Premier Savings account. There is no fee for this protection, but be aware of potential transfer limits.

Huntington Relationship Savings

This account gives savers an improved APY that gets even better if you have additional linked accounts. The basic rate is 0.01% and goes up based on the types of accounts you also have with Huntington:

Relationship Savings Rates
Relationship RateAPY
Non-Relationship Rate0.01%
Relationship Savings linked with Huntington Perks Checking0.02%
Relationship Savings linked with Huntington Platinum Perks Checking0.02%
Relationship Savings linked with Private Client Account0.06%

With the improved rate comes bigger costs, however. Relationship Savings is free for customers who maintain an average daily balance of $2,500 or link the account to either a Huntington Perks or Huntington Platinum Perks checking account. Both have a minimum daily balance requirement and a fee if that balance is not met. Otherwise, savers with a Relationship Savings account will pay a $10 monthly maintenance fee.

Like the Premier Savings account, Relationship Savings offers deposit-to-deposit overdraft protection, provided you link to a Huntington Perks Checking account.

Premier Savings and Relationship Savings Rates and Terms
AccountMonthly Maintenance FeeMinimum Balance to Avoid FeeAPY
Premier Savings$4$3000.01%
Relationship Savings$10$2,500Ranging from 0.01% to 0.06%

Checking Accounts

Asterisk-Free Checking

Huntington tries very hard to make sure this basic checking account lives up to the Asterisk-Free name. There is no monthly maintenance fee, no minimum deposit to open the account, and no minimum balance required. And contrary to common banking policies in the 21st Century, Huntington does not charge fees for providing paper statements rather than email statements, if that's your preference.

Additionally, the all-day deposit policy, which treats any deposit made before midnight on a business day as getting in on the same business day, is a remarkably forgiving rule that helps customers stay in the black. Pair that with the 24-hour grace policy for overdrafts, which gives customers until midnight the day after an overdraft to make a deposit or transfer to cover the overdraft, as well as the free deposit-to-deposit overdraft protection with a Premier Savings account.

If you overdraw funds, the overdraft fee of $15 can be levied up to three times per day.

Huntington Perks Checking

This is Huntington's lower-level interest-bearing checking account. Customers can earn 0.02% APY on their account balance. There is no minimum required to earn and no minimum deposit to open this account. If you make at least $1,000 in deposits monthly or maintain $5,000 in total relationship balances, there is no fee. Otherwise, you will pay $10 per month.

Huntington Perks Checking offers the same forgiving policies as Asterisk-Free checking. You get all day deposit, a 24-hour grace period, and overdraft protection. You need to link this account to a Relationship Savings account to receive the overdraft protection. Account holders get free credit score monitoring as well as five out-of-network ATM fee waivers per month.

Huntington Platinum Perks Checking

For customers looking for higher rates from an interest-bearing checking account, the bank offers Huntington Platinum Perks Checking. Account holders earn 0.03% APY on any size balance. However, expect to pay $25 per month in maintenance fees unless you are able to maintain $25,000 in total relationship balances among your accounts.

Like the other checking accounts, Huntington Platinum Perks provides all-day deposit, a 24-hour grace period, and overdraft protection (with a Relationship Savings account).

It also comes with some other major perks:

  • Free credit and identity monitoring
  • Free paper checks
  • Unlimited out-of-network ATM fee waivers
  • A relationship discount on a home equity line of credit (HELOC), plus an annual fee waiver
  • A relationship discount on a mortgage
  • 100 commission-free online equity or exchange-traded fund (ETF) trades per year through Huntington Financial Advisors
Huntington Checking Accounts
Account NameMonthly Maintenance FeeMinimum Balance to Avoid FeeAPY
Asterisk-Free Checking$0$0None
Huntington Perks Checking$10$5,0000.02%
Huntington Platinum Perks Checking$25$25,0000.03%

Money Market Account

Huntington Relationship Money Market Account

Like the Relationship Savings account, Huntington's money market account offers better rates if you have additional accounts. Provided you have a minimum of $25,000 in your Relationship Money Market account, you can earn between 4.49% and 4.70% APY depending on what other accounts you have at Huntington. Balances below $25,000 don't earn interest.

The Relationship Money Market account also comes with a $25 monthly fee, which is waived for customers who either maintain a $25,000 minimum balance or who have a linked Huntington Perks or Huntington Platinum Perks checking account.

Like Huntington's traditional checking accounts, the Relationship Money Market account also provides all-day deposit, a 24-hour grace period, and overdraft protection.

Relationship Money Market Rates
Relationship Money Market Account4.49%
Relationship Money Market Account with linked Huntington Perks Checking4.54%
Relationship Money Market Account with linked Huntington Platinum Perks Checking4.59%
Relationship Money Market Account with linked Private Client Account4.70%


Huntington offers standard CDs with terms ranging from one to 72 months and promotional CDs with terms of seven to 25 months. CDs require a minimum deposit of $1,000.

Huntington Promotional CD Rates
7 months5.13%
11 months4.34%

Jumbo CDs are also available, with a minimum deposit of $100,000. The terms range from seven to 1,825 days (approximately 60 months) and the rates from 0.05% to 0.50%.

The fact that Huntington describes its jumbo CD terms in days, rather than months, makes it difficult to compare jumbo rates with standard rates. Converting the terms from days to months helps to clarify that jumbo rates seem to be approximately the same for similar term lengths.

Huntington may offer higher than normal promotional APYs on CDs, so be sure to check its website.

Huntington Jumbo Promotional CD Rates
215 Days5.13%
335 Days4.34%

Credit Cards

Huntington has three credit cards, all offered through Mastercard. These are the Cashback Credit Card, the Voice Rewards Credit Card, and the Lower APR Voice Credit Card. Customers can choose to receive cash back rewards or a lower annual percentage rate (APR).

Other Financial Products Offered by Huntington

In addition to the above products and services, Huntington also offers the following:

  • Car loans
  • Purchase mortgages
  • Home equity loans
  • Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs)
  • IRAs
  • Self-directed trading
  • Managed investment portfolios
  • Private banking
  • Financial advisors
  • Business loans

Huntington Customer Service

Customers have a number of avenues available to reach customer support, starting with live agents available daily by phone (800-480-2265) from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET). The website also boasts automated customer support systems, as well as an easy-to-use search tool, and a comprehensive FAQ page. You can also reach out to Huntington via X or Facebook any time.

How to Bank With Huntington

You can open an account online or in a branch. Though Huntington is only present in 11 states, the bank appears to be friendly to customers outside of this region.

The Huntington mobile app allows customers to handle transactions (including mobile check deposit) on the go. It can be downloaded on iOS and Android devices. Third-party reviews give the app mixed ratings.

Final Verdict

Customers looking for solid options for basic checking and savings accounts would be well served by Huntington. Its truly free checking account, forgiving policies that keep minor withdrawal mistakes contained, and easy methods to avoid fees with the basic savings account make it attractive to many customers' needs. Add the fact that Huntington also offers a wide array of other products and services, and it's clear that this is a good one-stop-shop for banking customers.

For those with higher balances, Huntington is not necessarily a good choice. Additionally, Huntington is only present in 11 states which limits the bank's reach, especially for customers who want basic banking options and like to be able to walk into a branch.


Investopedia is dedicated to providing consumers with unbiased, comprehensive reviews of banks. We collected over 20 data points across more than 80 banks including products available, interest rates, fees, and accessibility to ensure that our content helps users make the right decision for their savings and banking needs.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. The Huntington National Bank. “About Us.”

  2. The Huntington National Bank. “Asterisk-Free Checking Account,” Pages 1-3.

  3. The Huntington National Bank. “24-Hour Grace.”

  4. The Huntington National Bank. "Open a Checking Account Online."

  5. The Huntington National Bank. “Premier Savings Account.”

  6. The Huntington National Bank. “Overdrafts and Returns Explained.”

  7. The Huntington National Bank. “Relationship Savings: Higher Interest Savings Account.”

  8. The Huntington National Bank. “Huntington Perks Checking Account.”

  9. The Huntington National Bank. “Huntington Platinum Perks Checking.”

  10. The Huntington National Bank. “Relationship Money Market Account.

  11. The Huntington National Bank. “Certificates of Deposit.”

  12. Huntington Bank. “Certificates of Deposit.”

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Huntington Bank Review (2025)


Is Huntington Bank a good bank to bank with? ›

Huntington Bank Review (September 2024) Huntington earns 3.9 out of 5 stars for its checking accounts and banking access, but it has fewer branches and strict requirements to earn higher rates.

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Financial Info

On October 10, 2023, Fitch affirmed The Huntington National Bank's rating at A- and outlook remains stable.

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At Huntington, we are committed to providing a secure and reliable online experience. You can be certain your money is safe and your payments will be sent on time. In fact, we guarantee it.

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20 Largest Banks in the U.S.
RankBankAssets (domestic)
16Huntington National Bank$192.86 billion.
17American Express National Bank$189.50 billion.
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19Ally Bank$182.37 billion.
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What are the disadvantages of Huntington Bank? ›

  • Yields on savings accounts and many CDs are very low.
  • The minimum balance needed to earn interest on the money market account is steep.

Is my money safe at Huntington Bank? ›

At Huntington, we take your account security very seriously. We are an FDIC-insured bank, which means your money is protected up to the FDIC insurance limits. The standard insurance amount provided by the FDIC is $250,000 per dispositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category.

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The Probability of Bankruptcy of Huntington Bancshares Inc (HBAN) is 5.4% . This number represents the probability that HBAN will face financial distress in the next 24 months given its current fundamentals and market conditions.

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The 2021 merger of Detroit-based TCF Financial Inc. into Columbus, Ohio-based Huntington Bancshares Inc. created the second-largest bank operating in Michigan.

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Founded in 1866, The Huntington National Bank and its affiliates provide consumers, small and middle-market businesses, corporations, municipalities, and other organizations with a comprehensive suite of banking, payments, wealth management, and risk management products and services.

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JPMorgan Chase, the financial institution that owns Chase Bank, topped our experts' list because it's designated as the world's most systemically important bank on the 2023 G-SIB list.

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Huntington National Bank has an A health rating.

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It is on the list of largest banks in the United States. It is the largest originator of SBA 7(a) loans. As of 2021, Huntington is the sixth-largest bank in the Pittsburgh market by deposits.

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1. JPMorgan Chase – $3.5 trillion. Columbus, Ohio-based JPMorgan Chase is the largest US bank with total assets of $3.503 trillion. Some $2.684 trillion are domestic assets, accounting for 77% of its total assets.

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Tier 1 Capital

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Strengths. Brand Power and Customer-Centric Products: Huntington Bancshares Inc (NASDAQ:HBAN) has cultivated a strong brand identity through its "Fair Play" banking philosophy, which includes customer-friendly products like 24-Hour Grace and Asterisk-Free Checking.

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Overview of the Best Banks

Chase: Best for a large branch network. Axos: Best for a variety of online account options. Discover®: Best for doing all of your banking in one place. Synchrony Bank: Best high-yield savings account from a national brand.

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Checking Account Features
  • Early Pay.
  • $50 Safety Zone and 24-Hour Grace. ®
  • Zelle. ®
  • Digital Tools.
  • Huntington Mobile App.
  • Check Deposit Availability.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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