How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (2024)

This page details how to upgrade the Multi-Tool in No Man’s Sky. Includes how to upgrade the class tier from C, B, A, and S, the differences between weapon types including stat bonuses, how to upgrade inventory slots, and where to find technology blueprints and upgrades.

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No Man’s Sky Multi-Tool Class Tiers - C, B, A, S

The class tier of a Multi-Tool generally determines initial stat strengths with regard to damage potential, scanner range, and mining performance. However, by far the greatest benefit of a higher class tier (from C to S) is the increased inventory slots. The higher the tier, the more inventory slots a Multi-Tool will have prior to any upgrades. The best way to search for new Multi-Tools is by visiting space stations in different systems, each of which will have a new Multi-Tool ready to be inspected at the Multi-Tool research technology merchant. You won’t be able to purchase the Multi-Tools directly from the merchants, but you can interact with them from the container which opens just to the left of the merchant as you approach. As with Starships, you’ll find that higher tier Multi-Tools are more likely to be found in wealthier systems, so be sure to check the wealth of a system using the Economy Scanner upgrade for a Starship before you make the journey via Hyperdrive.

Ultimately, any Multi-Tool can be upgraded to a similar level of performance to most of those in S tier. As a result, the main difference you might want to concern yourself with is the design of the Multi-Tool. If you find a lower tier Multi-Tool that you like the aesthetics of and really want to keep, you don’t have to abandon it in favor of a higher tier Multi-Tool when you find one. Instead, you can use the Multi-Tool Upgrade Station, which can be found just to the right of the Multi-Tool research technology merchant on space stations, to upgrade the class tier with Nanites. However, this can be an expensive process, so it’s your decision as to whether or not the aesthetics are worth it. You should also consider that if you’ve already added a number of upgrade modules to the Multi-Tool, you’ll have to spend more Nanites to apply them to a new one, so you’ll be spending Nanites either way. Be sure to check our Best Ways to Make Nanites Quickly guide if you’re struggling.

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(1 of 2) All space stations have a Weapon Terminal, where you can find new weapons to purchase in each system.

All space stations have a Weapon Terminal, where you can find new weapons to purchase in each system. (left), You’ll see the weapon type just below the price when you compare Multi-Tools at Weapon Terminals. (right)

Multi-Tool Types - Alien, Experimental, Pistol, Rifle, Royal

There are currently five different types of Multi-Tool that you can find. Unfortunately the type isn’t stated by default when you inspect it from your inventory, but you can view which type of Multi-Tool you have when you compare it with another during a trade. Although the type of Multi-Tool that you have doesn’t make a massive difference to most aspects of the game, you may want to find one which fits your playstyle best to maximize its potential. The below table provides a brief overview of the starting strengths and weaknesses for each type, between damage potential, mining speed, and scanner range / detection capabilities.

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Multi-Tool TypeDamage PotentialScanner RangeMining Speed

Note that these are the general trends you will find for each type of Multi-Tool. However, there will be exceptions as each Multi-Tool is procedurally generated. You can also upgrade any type of Multi-Tool to make it sufficiently competent in damage potential, scanner range, and mining performance.

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How to Increase Multi-Tool Inventory Slots

The inventory of the Multi-Tool is much more simple than those of the Exosuit or the Starship. You only have one inventory type for the Multi-Tool, known as “General”. The only thing that you can use this for is new technology components and upgrades, specifically for the Multi-Tool. Each Multi-Tool that you find, regardless of class tier, will have a random amount of inventory slots which are initially available to it, although higher tiers generally have more inventory slots. Given that there are quite a few useful technology components and upgrades that you’ll want to get your hands on, it won’t be long before you’re thinking about increasing the inventory slots.

The easiest way to do this is by purchasing new slots from the Multi-Tool Upgrade Station, one of which can be found at every space station. Although easy, this is also the most expensive method, eventually costing millions of Units per slot. Other methods include obtaining Multi-Tool Expansion Slots as rewards from Agent Missions, as loot from crashed Freighter sites, and as rewards from terminals at Manufacturing Facilities.

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To locate manufacturing facilities on planets, you’ll need to purchase a Secret Cartographic Data planetary chart from cartographers on space stations (1x Navigation Data per chart), then use the chart and travel to the site. Here you’ll be asked a question to stabilize the facility, so it’s a good idea to make manual hard saves before entering, as this will allow you to reload next to the facility and attempt to answer the question again if you get it wrong the first time.

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All Multi-Tool inventories can be increased to a maximum of 24 slots at S tier.

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(1 of 5) You can purchase inventory slots or class tier upgrades from the Multi-Tool Upgrade station on space stations.

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How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool

As with technology components and upgrade modules for the Exosuit and Starship, you will find that placing upgrade modules together in your inventory (and next to their associated technology component) will bind them together with a highlighted border of a specific colour between them, indicating a stat boost to its functionality so long as they’re placed beside each other. Unlike with the Exosuit and Starship, there are more technology components and upgrade modules available for the Multi-Tool than there are inventory slots available to install them in, so you’ll need to be a bit more selective with what you choose to specialize in between scanning technology, offensive technology, or defensive technology.

Multi-Tool Technology and Upgrades from Iteration: Eos (Anomaly)

The Multi-Tool merchant on board the Anomaly, known as Iteration: Eos, offers a number of new technology blueprints for sale, and additional upgrades for them. You’ll be paying 250 Nanites each for most of these. The below table provides an overview of what you can purchase from Eos.

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IconBlueprint / UpgradeTypeUse / Effect
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (12)Mining BeamMineral Extraction LaserMine resources from most organic / geological objects
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (13)BoltcasterEnergy Projectile WeaponFires supercharged metallic elements as high-velocity projectiles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (14)Barrel IoniserBoltcaster UpgradeImproves accuracy and reduces recoil
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (15)Boltcaster Ricochet ModuleBoltcaster UpgradeEnables a ricochet effect for Boltcaster projectiles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (16)Plasma LauncherExplosive GrenadesPlasma grenade launcher with timed explosive projectiles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (17)Geology CannonTerrain Destruction DevicePropels plasma shells designed for rapid ground excavation
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (18)Paralysis MortarStun GrenadesProjectiles incapacitate nearby targets
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (19)Blaze JavelinEnergy Beam WeaponCreates ionised gas arc to propel projectiles at great speed
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (20)Waveform OscillatorBlaze Javelin UpgradeAdds a 5 second stun to the Blaze Javelin
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (21)Mass AcceleratorBlaze Javelin UpgradeSignificantly improves weapon damage
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (22)Scatter BlasterScatter Shot Projectile WeaponFires scattered cone of metallic elements, akin to shotgun
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (23)Shell GreaserScatter Blaster UpgradeReduces reload time
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (24)Pulse SplitterRapid Fire Projectile WeaponSpecialist rapid fire weapon, projects wave of high-energy plasma
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (25)Amplified CartridgesPulse Splitter UpgradeIncreases clip size
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (26)Pulse Spitter Ricochet ModulePulse Splitter UpgradeEnables a ricochet effect for Pulse Splitter projectiles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (27)Impact IgniterPulse Splitter UpgradeCauses targets to burn for 4 seconds when hit
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (28)Neutron CannonExplosive Energy WeaponHigh-energy weapon, fires volley of ionised particles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (29)P-Field CompressorNeutron Cannon UpgradeIncreases projectile speed and amount per shot
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (30)Combat ScopeWeapon Precision EnhancementEnables a scope when firing which stabilises recoil
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (31)Personal ForcefieldDefensive Shield TechnologyDraws power from Exosuit life support when activated to provide a temporary shield from damage
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (32)Cloaking DeviceActive Camouflage UnitDraws power from Exosuit life support when activated to provide temporary active camouflage
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (33)Voltaic AmplifierDamage Overload ModuleIncreases damage to stunned enemies for all weapon types
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (34)Advanced Mining LaserMining Beam Companion UnitAllows mining of large and rare resource deposits, increases mining speed
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (35)Optical DrillMaterial Gain AmplifierIncreases amount of resources extracted from mining
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (36)Waveform RecyclerMulti-Tool UpgradeReduces charge time for the scanner and increases scan radius
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (37)Survey DeviceAnalysis Visor UpgradeAdds Surveying Mode to Analysis Visor, capable of detecting hidden terrain resources
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(1 of 4) You’ll find numerous upgrade modules from Multi-Tool technology merchants on space stations.

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Multi-Tool Upgrades from Space Station Research Merchants

The Multi-Tool research merchants on space stations exclusively offer upgrades for technology components, rather than offer any new technology. These can be installed immediately, without needing to craft them first. The upgrade modules can have various potential outcomes for a specific technology, improving aspects of its functionality to varying degrees, depending on the class tier of the module.

Class tier C modules offer Moderate improvements, B offer Significant improvements, A offer Extremely Powerful improvements, and S offer Supremely Powerful improvements. There are also some upgrade modules which are classed as black-market modifications, which generally offer minor improvements compared with the tierd upgrades, but can sometimes offer powerful improvements. In addition, there’s one Sentinel Weapons Shard which is classed as a forbidden module, offering improvements to any aspect of the Multi-Tool to varying degrees.

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The below table provides an overview of all upgrade modules available for purchase from these merchants (excluding Suspicious upgrades, which offer the same types of upgrades as their tiered counterparts), and the kinds of improvements that they offer.

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IconUpgrade ModuleTypeUse / Effect
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (43) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (44) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (45) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (46)Scanner Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Scanning System UpgradePotential upgrades to scan radius and the value of discovery data
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (47) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (48) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (49) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (50)Mining Beam Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Mining Beam UpgradePotential upgrades to power output, heat toleration and fuel efficiency
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (51) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (52) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (53) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (54)Boltcaster Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Boltcaster UpgradePotential upgrades to damage output, reload times, clip size and firing rate
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (55) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (56) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (57) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (58)Plasma Launcher Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Plasma Launcher UpgradePotential upgrades to explosion damage and radius, and plasma bounce rate
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (59) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (60) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (61) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (62)Geology Cannon Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Geology Cannon UpgradePotential upgrades to explosion damage and crater radius
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (63) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (64) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (65) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (66)Blaze Javelin Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Blaze Javelin UpgradePotential upgrades to laser damage and recharge time
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (67) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (68) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (69) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (70)Scatter Blaster Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Scatter Blaster UpgradePotential upgrades to damage output, reload times, clip size, and firing rate
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (71) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (72) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (73) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (74)Pulse Splitter Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Pulse Splitter UpgradePotential upgrades to damage output, reload times, clip size and firing rate
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (75) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (76) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (77) How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (78)Neutron Cannon Module (tiers C, B, A, S)Neutron Cannon UpgradePotential upgrades to projectile speed, charge time, weapon damage, and number of projectiles
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (79)Sentinel Weapons ShardForbidden Multi-Tool ModuleA more general upgrade for the Multi-Tool, random effects unknown until installed
How to Upgrade the Multi-Tool | Gamer Guides: Your ultima... (2024)


How do you upgrade the Multi-tool in NMS? ›

To upgrade its class, you can go to the Multi-Tool Upgrade Station on space stations and use nanites to upgrade it, similar to a spaceship.

Where is the Multi-tool upgrade station? ›

Multi-Tool Upgrade Station is a computer terminal found in inhabited space stations. It is a feature that allows upgrades to the player Multi-tools beyond what can be achieved through the inventory menu. It is located immediately adjacent to the Multi-tool Technology Merchant in inhabited systems.

What is the most powerful Multi-tool in NMS? ›

The Blaze Javelin is considered the most powerful multi-tool weapon in the game, functioning as a sniper rifle that deals significant damage at long distances.

How do you get an S Tier multi-tool in NMS? ›

If you are looking for the S-class multitool, your best bet at finding them would be on “rich” planets. To be able to detect these planets, you will have to get at least an Economic Scanner. The blueprint for this item can be bought at a very cheap price from the Starship Merchant, who can be found at the Anomaly.

How to use upgrade module nms? ›

When you buy a high-grade module, create a restore point (e.g. get in and out of your starship), then install the module. If it is worse than your bonus target (see bonus stats on the module family pages), reload the game and buy a cheap C-class module. Install it and dismantle it immediately.

What is the max number of Multi-tools NMS? ›

The max should be six if not chanched last. According to No Man's Sky Wiki, under the Multi-Tool section...

Where are the new Multi-tools in no man's sky? ›

Players begin the game with a Multi-tool. New models may be purchased at the Multi-tool merchant within every Space station. They may also be purchased on every Space Anomaly and at every minor outpost attached to a landing pad. Some NPCs may gift you a new Multi-tool.

What is the max stack in NMS? ›

Inventory Slots

They can hold any of the following stacks: up to 9999 (Normal or Creative modes), or up to 500 (Survival or Permadeath modes) of any basic resource. up to 200 supply items, including Ion Batteries, Life Support Gels and Creature Pellets.

What is the best planet type in NMS? ›

Lush planets are without doubt the best planets you can find. They typically have abundant animal life, brilliantly colorful plant life, and mild oxygen atmospheres that won't reduce your life support systems over time.

Where is the Multi-tool upgrade rack? ›

I just received an augmentation but it says to use it at space station upgrade rack? It is right next to the MT dealer in the station. Upper Deck, left side as you are flying in.

How do you get upgrades in NMS? ›

Visit the Marketplace aboard most Space Stations to find a wide array of merchants. Technology merchants will sell Upgrade Modules. Blueprints allow you to craft new technologies. Purchase blueprints aboard the Space Anomaly.

How do I upgrade my NMS technology inventory? ›

One of the most straightforward methods to increase exosuit technology slots is by locating drop pods on planets or purchasing them at space stations. Each drop pod contains an exosuit upgrade that players can use to expand either their general inventory, cargo, or technology slots.

How to get better mining tool nms? ›

The Advanced Mining Laser can be obtained in several ways:
  1. From the Base Computer Archives quest.
  2. It is possible to acquire this upgrade as a reward from the final stages of the Quest Awakenings.
  3. Blueprint can be purchased from Iteration: Eos on the Space Anomaly for 75 Nanite Clusters.

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